
Friday 12 September 2014

Boy Steals A Bus In His Pajamas!

A 9 year old boy stole a bus in his pajamas and won’t be charged because of his age. The bus stopped after it hit a truck then hit another bus which made it have a broken windshield and thats when the boy climbed in and took off. Luckily no one was injured!

It’s a rare thing that would happen but he should still be punished for what he had done.


  1. Hey Elizabeth, I like your opinion. But the parents should be charged because they were not looking after him...Where was the bus driver?

    1. Hi Mikayla. I really appreciate you commenting on my blog post! I think that the parents should get charged as well because it is their responsibility to look after their child! The bus driver parked the bus at a garage while he went to see if the truck and bus driver that he'd crash was OK.

  2. Hi Elizabeth, I like reading your blog post about boy steals a bus and I like your opinion. Does that boys mum and dad know he steal a bus?

    1. Hi Zinway. Thanks for the comment. The site I got the information from doesn't have the answer to your question and me as well but I'll get as much information as I can. But thanks anyways ; )


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